Sunday, 6 December 2009

Gecko-Trail, Langeberg

This one was sent in by a reader:

It is completed...

...mid December 2003 after roughly 220 man/hours of blood and sweat hacking away bush, digging into the mountain slope and clearing alien trees we made the final push and completed the first section of the Gecko-Trail.

The Gecko-Trail is connecting Simonskloof Mountain Retreat at 780m (19°43'41" E 33°36'55" S) via the Nuy River Gorge to Nuy Valley Guest House at 300m (19°38'00" E 33°39'25" S) on the southern side of the Langeberg 20km from Worcester. Traversing the western end of the Langeberg the trail reaches it's highest point at 890m with an optional detour up to 1113m.

The trail can be hiked from either side taking between 6-8 hours depending on fitness and your resting time. Accommodation and safe parking is available at either end. For Nuy Valley Guest House log on to: and for Simonskloof Mountain Retreat visit:

March 2004

(The site is also under my wing which has Bloupunt and Cogmanskloof hiking trails on it.)

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